Ready to book a lesson?
Ensuring we book a lesson that suits your needs is the first step for kitchen success. I have three different options of booking lessons designed to meet you at your budget and time constraints. When deciding what lesson to book please have a look at my services for inspiration. Full pricing information is available in the boxes below
Beginner lessons are designed for those new to the kitchen or not yet confident to give something new a go
Gourmet classes are for those who know their way around the kitchen and would like to try something a bit more involved or step it up a notch from their own repertoire
The undercover chef is for those really wanting to deep dive into their cooking skills - this is designed to be a course of classes where you create a dinner party as a "graduation" to your cooking skills

How do we start?
Browse the menu ideas
Check out the information on my service pages and see what lesson might fit your needs
Get clear on what you'd like to cook and the dates and times that will suit
New skills? New dishes? Kids in the kitchen? Decide on what you'd like to achieve in the lesson and finalise your choice. Check your calendar for dates and times to see what could be available to book you in
Contact me to book your lesson in
Ready to book? Let's go! Contact me via the links below and lets get cooking together
Download pricing information and structure
Call Luisa Now to Get Started Now!
Ready to book in your next class? Call or email Luisa to get started